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Bermuda and Crab grasses spreading in no till fields
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NTM Farms
Posted 11/24/2024 07:57 (#10980305 - in reply to #10980268)
Subject: RE: Bermuda and Crab grasses spreading in no till fields

Bloomfield MO
Jmark71 - 11/24/2024 07:27

I have taken bermuda grass out with glyphosate, but it may take multiple applications in one year and over a couple of years.  If you are just knocking it back with a single application, the regrowth puts you back where you started for the next year.

As for the crabgrass, it has been easily controlled with group 15 herbicides and post emerge applications of glyphosate with a group 15.  Years ago, I thought that crabgrass was spreading.  It wasn't crabgrass, but a new weed to this area ... broadleaf signalgrass.  Broadleaf signalgrass is much tougher to control and will germinate late in the season as well.  Many farmers around here who complain about crabgrass actually have signalgrass.  Dual isn't the best on it.  I have had better success with Anthem Maxx or Zidua  for residual control and I like split applications.  Roundup is effective as a post product, but you need the Anthem Maxx for residual.  Accent post emergence is also effective.

Looking at your herbicide program, I think you need split applications to help on both weed problems and put a product like Anthem Maxx or Zidua with the post emergent application to extend control.  Properly identifying the grass is crucial so I would double check to see whether you are actually fighting crabgrass.  Broadleaf signalgrass can get out of hand if you don't go after it.

Signal grass, looks to be what I’m having trouble with. It came in pretty late in the summer so, I had control but not enough. I should’ve spiked some glyphosate in my Liberty.

Edited by NTM Farms 11/24/2024 08:02
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