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health screening
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John Burns
Posted 11/24/2024 18:09 (#10981130 - in reply to #10979163)
Subject: CAC scan

Pittsburg, Kansas
For about 100-300 dollars (depending on the hospital) a person can get a CAC scan (coronary artery calcium scan). It is a pretty good, reasonably priced screen to tell a person if he needs to make changes.

We just did an internet search and found several hospitals that did the scans. Some do them cheaply as a loss leader to get customers in the door. Some charge full price, so the price varies. Shop around. Ours was under 100 bucks each at a hospital in KC. Took longer to fill out the paperwork than the scan took. Got results a few days later.

Edited by John Burns 11/24/2024 18:13
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