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Solar. Carbon credtis, RFS, EV incentives
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Posted 11/24/2024 22:10 (#10981490 - in reply to #10981383)
Subject: RE: Solar. Carbon credtis, RFS, EV incentives

ks_cover_crop - 11/24/2024 20:53  Cover crop programs and payments are mostly driven by government policy. Carbon credits, which is not a government program payment are driven by other factors but can be influenced by policy. Your statement makes it seem like Carbon markets are only driven by government policy, which is not true. There are some consumers that find value in how crops are grown. You can choose to ignore that or capitalize on it, it's a choice.

Its 99.99% driven by govt policy and subsidies.

There are very very few people that actually put their own money (and lives) where they run their mouth concerning climate and carbon.

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