West central IL | I’ve not commented in your posts, and lately I’m not even sure if you’re being genuine. If you are being genuine, I apologize.
And if you’re being genuine, I couldn’t more strongly try to influence you not to attempt being an officer of the law. For starters, you quite frankly seemed obsessed by all the bad things that can be seen as a firefighter. You’ll see plenty as a deputy as well, and certain people have the ability to be emotionally cold towards the hard things that can be seen. Doesn’t make you more or less of a man. It’s just that some people handle seeing the bad differently than others.
On top of that, once again unless you’re being disingenuous, you seem oblivious to how hard “Roger” is clearly trolling the heck out of you. As a sheriffs deputy you need to be able to sniff out BS, and your sniffer isn’t currently calibrated. | |