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Any of you fellows part time sheriff deputy’s .
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Posted 11/25/2024 18:02 (#10982466 - in reply to #10982204)
Subject: RE: Any of you fellows part time sheriff deputy’s .

Hastings, Florida
I was for several years. As a small town fire chief, way out in the country, answered many calls with deputies. Would back them up on calls sometimes, because other officers 20 minutes away.
One day ( back in about '83 ) , local bank was robbed. Long story short, deputies were chasing robber who had stolen a pickup. Headed down a road towards a school with kids playing at recess. I shot tire out ( first time I ever hit what I aimed at ), causing him to wreck before he got to the school. Deputies caught him then. Next day Sheriff himself came to see me, said he knew I had been backing his officers up on possibly violent calls,, and had shot tire of bank robber, and knew why I did it. Said it was wrong to do, but glad I did it.
Told me to sign up for next LEO class, he would personally sponsor me. I did, graduated and worked as reserve for years. Finally moved to next county, let my certification lapse. Decided enough was enough, preferred fire service.

Edited by Jbatmick 11/25/2024 18:03
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