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Spinal decompression
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Posted 11/26/2024 18:32 (#10983797 - in reply to #10982622)
Subject: RE: Spinal decompression

NE Wisconsin
As others have suggested, give chiropractic a try ASAP. They likely will have you going in 3 times a week for at least a month. Then less after that. Check to see if they offer MLS laser as well, as this can help reduce inflammation. Going forward, if you experience a sudden difficulty walking or what is referred to as "saddle anesthesia" (numbness/loss of feeling in area that would contact a saddle), go to the ER immediately! Do NOT go to urgent care as they often misdiagnose. Time is of the essence as extended compression can result in irreversible nerve damage (and loss of feeling and bladder/bowel issues). At that point a laminectomy would be necessary to relieve pressure. Think of the spine as a piece of conduit with the nerves as wires stuffed inside. As the spinal chord narrows, the nerves running through may get pinched and cause all sorts of issues. Many people are walking around with spinal stenosis, bulging discs, and etc that have no issues. When there is an issue, as you indicated, it will unlikely go away without some intervention. Don't put this off! Best of luck!
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