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Health insurance?
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Posted 11/27/2024 04:29 (#10984229 - in reply to #10983130)
Subject: RE: CHM

NC Ohio
My experiences with CHM are exactly like Jay's. Negotiation is between the patient and the doctor. I would not doubt that if CHN sees a bill that wasnt discounted, they might make some phone calls on behalf of the organization and member. But we always are "Self Pay", and the service provider takes it from there. One thing that scares people is the idea that patient needs to pay cash up front, or soon after the service. All providers work with patients on payment plans and terms, and still discount as requested. Hospitals and doctors wait a long time to get paid by insurance companies, and are glad to be paid period. Fear drives the insurance business, and keeps many people paying high costs. My level for sharing at CHM, while still half of most insurance costs, only has 1000 out of pocket, and is costing shy of 500 per month.
I'm not sure what you mean by "you got away with one"? You must use christian healthcare?
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