Bavaria/Germany | In Europe the JD offer is a bit different
Here they ask for 3000 Euro (is curently more or less US$) plus 1500 Euro per year unlog fee.
THe backage contains 7500 Reciefer, Basic display and the ATU 300 for Autosteer. So farmer gets a "cheap" autosteer?!?!
Without paying the annualy 1500 Euro subcibtion fee nothing even the 7500 Antenna will not work.
John Deeers business idea is, to cmpete to the Chinese RTK Autosteersystems which are on offer complete for ca. 5000 Euor (no subcibtion fees neccesary!!)
But farmers are not to stupid! As the Chinese Autosteersystems (FJ-Dynmaic or CHC Navigation) do what hey shoul quite good, Jd´s offer is a crap.
Becausee when it gets calculatet on 5 years it 3000 plus 7500 EUro = 10500 Euro total, So Chines are just half price!
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