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Grandfather clock Cuckoo clocks that need weights set and winding. Anyone still using one of these?
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Posted 11/27/2024 08:16 (#10984446 - in reply to #10984146)
Subject: RE: Grandfather clock Cuckoo clocks that need weights set and winding. Anyone still using one of the

central Ia
We have 3, a cuckoo clock that my late wife bought in Germany before we were married in 75, the works were replaced probably 10 yrs ago, a grandfather clock that was a Emperor Clock kits it's probably 45 yrs old and a wind up mantle clock we bought a couple years ago, no idea on how old it is. It's a job to try and get them synchronized. Cuckoo is a 12 hr clock, the grandfather and mantle clock can run 7 days. Same problems chops off the tops, don't know what I'm doing wrong that they want to load sideways and then chop off the top

Edited by Ken 11/27/2024 08:27

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