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I find it odd .
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Reality speaks
Posted 11/27/2024 18:46 (#10985250 - in reply to #10985136)
Subject: RE: I find it odd .

n. Illinois
Its just the DNC talking points. Repeat it enough and everyone believes it Rinse and repeat day after day no need to actually look at the facts IE Trumps tariffs (which are still mostly in place) did not lead to inflation. Inflation is always the result of the Federal Reserve creating more money than the economy can absorb via population and productivity growth. They grew the money supply over 19% in 2020 and over 16% in 2021, This is the most ever, Even in the 1970's they only grew the money supply 12+ % 5 times (1971, 1973, 1976, 1977, 1983 ) I Think are the years) but there was always a break where they allowed the money supply to grow slower and we all saw how will that ended for the folks who were farming back in the 1980's

The whole world wants/needs access to our economy to sell their goods. Time to use that as leverage for the benefit of the American people.
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