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Commercially raising hogs
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Posted 11/27/2024 21:48 (#10985518)
Subject: Commercially raising hogs

Live in SW MO. Have a hog farm coming up for sale in a few months and it is going to be priced insanely reasonable. It is 7 old chicken barns that were completely remodeled 10 years ago into hog barns. 2 farrowing barns and the rest are Gestation. The catch is that it was a "Humane" farm. Meaning that the gestation barns were pens that held several dozen shows and had straw Bedding with pens on each side and an alley down the middle of the barn. I would be interested in finishing pigs in these barns. But if someone is willing to pay enough, would not be opposed to keep running the operation as a farrowing facility.

Does anyone know of a group who I could finish for that would not require new barns and would be fine with straw Bedding? And would be working with someone in SW MO?

We are currently finishing and selling hogs to a group in northern Iowa and we are finishing them on straw Bedding in hoop barns. But they are not currently looking to add a finishing farm this size to their roster.


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