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Ag Leader Integra upgrade to autosteer
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Posted 11/28/2024 08:32 (#10985862)
Subject: Ag Leader Integra upgrade to autosteer

Pick up a 2010 Kinze planter with an Ag Leader Integra monitor to manage planter, seed pop, air down force, 4 section autoswath. Looking to add autosteer to the tractor (Challenger MT645B).
Planter / Integra did not come with an antenna, so I need to purchase one. Was looking at a GPS 6000 or on cheap a 2500.

To stay cheap, I was looking at an autotrac2+ or autotrac3 for around $2500.

However, would it be worth it to upgrade to an insight 1200 or 800 and add steadysteer. Plan to run this setup for 10 years.
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