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2013 Silverado dead battery/ KEY in ignition related? computer stuff?
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Posted 11/28/2024 11:46 (#10986222 - in reply to #10985963)
Subject: RE: 2013 Silverado dead battery/ KEY in ignition related? computer stuff?

Although I have Fords, the principal is the same. There are so many things on the newer trucks that have live power to them at all times that both my 2018 and 2021 pickups have a "sensor" on the ground terminal that can tell when the battery is getting low and it will start shutting off the live power draws to preserve the battery so it will start. Saw it on YouTube or I wouldn't have known. The 2018, for example, will typically let the radio play for around 10 minutes after you shut the key off, but with a weak battery it would shut off after a minute or so.

Leave a trickle charger on it or go start it oftener.
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