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Are there corn family genetics and do they use N and K at different levles and timing?
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Posted 12/1/2024 17:43 (#10990945 - in reply to #10985152)
Subject: RE: Are there corn family genetics and do they use N and K at different levles and timing?

NC Iowa
NE Soil Builder - 11/27/2024 17:33

I would love to hear this one! Do you really think that different corn hybrids feed differently? When did God tell you that? These seed companies should also be selling cars! If you “producers” don’t study how the soil actually works, yer pissing against the wind. The MOST IMPORTANT element that you guys need is healthy soil and not dirt. Most of you have dirt. Again I’m not being rude! You need to think about where you put the seeds. Build it up where it needs to be, and watch things change and for the good! Go to our Facebook page, Carbon Connections, and scroll through our videos. Some are short, some are long. But, there is no one out here that can tell us we are doing things wrong! So please, no arguments just discussions. Email me, and we will talk. 

Can't believe I missed your initial response. Research has been conducted for years on hybrid response to N and K. One of my responsibilities while working as an agronomist for Winfield Answer Plots was to analyze research we conducted by corn genetics. Plan to share this information at meetings in June.
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