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Wetland - filling in questions ? ?
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Posted 11/28/2024 10:33 (#10986123)
Subject: Wetland - filling in questions ? ?

There is a pond on myside of the fence that about half or a bit less of a farm drains toward (pond/low area wetland) is about 15ft below high land ground. That pond does encompass about an acre on the neighbors side of the fence - so spring rains and such will fill my side and then spill out into his side. When the water gets high enough it will continue over his land to a lower wet land on his land. Can the neighbor fill up his wet land area (essentially damming the water on my side) ? What would you do if had to deal with this ?
Not a good day for such a question, since it's Thanksgiving and all, but needing some advice to approach the guy to discuss. TIA

Edited by ClayQuestion1 11/28/2024 10:45
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